Thursday 28 March 2013

How to make your own fluoride free toothpaste: 3 Tbsp coconut oil 3 Tbsp baking soda 35 Drops eucalyptus essential oil - or mint extract 3 tsp fine sea salt

Monday 25 March 2013

The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well being. Real compassion comes from seeing the suffering of others. You feel a sense of responsibility, and you want to do something for them. Through universal altruism, you develop a feeling of responsibility for others and the wish to help them actively overcome their problems. Nirvana may be the final object of attainment, but at the moment it is difficult to reach. Thus the practical and realistic aim is compassion, a warm heart, serving other people, helping others, respecting others, being less selfish. By practising these, you can gain benefit and happiness that remain longer. If you investigate the purpose of life and, with the motivation that results from this inquiry, develop a good heart - compassion and love. Using your whole life this way, each day will become useful and meaningful. With regard to compassion and altruism there is no limit, and thus we should not be content with the degree that we have. We are just the opposite; in the spiritual field we are content with slight amounts of practice and progress, but materially we always want more and more. It should be the other way around. Everyone needs to practice this. (Dalai Lama)
The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well being. Real compassion comes from seeing the suffering of others. You feel a sense of responsibility, and you want to do something for them. Through universal altruism, you develop a feeling of responsibility for others and the wish to help them actively overcome their problems. Nirvana may be the final object of attainment, but at the moment it is difficult to reach. Thus the practical and realistic aim is compassion, a warm heart, serving other people, helping others, respecting others, being less selfish. By practising these, you can gain benefit and happiness that remain longer. If you investigate the purpose of life and, with the motivation that results from this inquiry, develop a good heart - compassion and love. Using your whole life this way, each day will become useful and meaningful. With regard to compassion and altruism there is no limit, and thus we should not be content with the degree that we have. We are just the opposite; in the spiritual field we are content with slight amounts of practice and progress, but materially we always want more and more. It should be the other way around. Everyone needs to practice this. (Dalai Lama)

These following films/articles will give you all sorts of insight on our plastics, how they affect the environment, where it goes, and what harmful effects plastic has on the human body (JUST by TOUCHING IT).

Watch 'Bag It'

Watch 'Addicted To Plastic'

Read more about harmful chemicals in plastics that are being used on the things we drink.

Effects of Phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA).

Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids:

The Mind Unleashed ॐ
These following films/articles will give you all sorts of insight on our plastics, how they affect the environment, where it goes, and what harmful effects plastic has on the human body (JUST by TOUCHING IT). 

Watch 'Bag It'

Watch 'Addicted To Plastic'

Read more about harmful chemicals in plastics that are being used on the things we drink. 

Effects of Phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA).

Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids:

@[432632306793920:274:The Mind Unleashed] ॐ

Friday 22 March 2013

ArticlesHealth— 03 October 2012

by Lisa Garber,
It should be outrageous to think that the very water we drink is poisoned—but the water actually is. Although calcium fluoride is found naturally in underground and ocean water, the sodium fluoride added to the public water supply is virtually toxic, a wolf in the sheep’s garb of improved dental health. (The West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center says that fluoride doesn’t even prevent cavities; vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids are better allies for that.) Even the federal government is calling for lower levels of fluoride in public water after a Harvard study confirmed fluoride’s lowers IQ. So needless to say, it is extremely important to know of fluoride treatment methods.
In the wake of even more horrifying findings like fluoride’s link to the cardiovascular and cancer epidemic (causing at least 10,000 cancer deaths since 1977), it’s imperative that we learn how to defend ourselves against systematic and casual envenoming of our water. Here are 5 methods for fluoride treamtnet – ways to detoxify your body of fluoride.

Fluoride Treatment - Iodine

While too much iodine is linked to hypothyroidism, so is too little. The good thing about iodine is that it increases urine irrigation of sodium fluoride as calcium fluoride. Although it does take some calcium with it (calling for an adjustment in diet or calcium supplementation), iodine and lecithin both remove fluoride from the body.


Though originally from Africa, tamarind is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine that can be made into a tea or tincture that pushes fluoride out in urine.

Liver Cleanse

Because the liver is responsible for clearing toxins out of the body, it makes sense to go through a liver cleanse to detox from fluoride. You can do a standard cleanse at home over a week or so; just be sure to undergo a safe and trustworthy cleanse per instructions. If the cleanse is absolutely not for you (although you can read up on 5 reasons you should do it today), you can cleanse your liver daily with these liver cleansing foods. Cleansing the liver is essential for fluoride treatment.


The next time you’re shopping for laundry detergent, scoop up a box of Borox, which contains boron. Pour 1/32 of a teaspoon (up to ¼ teaspoon) into a liter of distilled water and sip it throughout the day. (Yes, this is safe.) Not only will the box last forever, you can use it to do some eco-friendly cleaning around the house, too.

Dry Saunas

Intense but safe sweating from heat as well as exercise brings out sodium fluoride from fatty tissues. Just be sure to keep hydrating—with distilled water—and to protect your kidneys with chickweed tea.
As with any kind of detox, use caution and go at the pace that feels good for you and your body. In addition to detoxing the fluoride out, you can also limit the amount of fluoride coming in by investing in a water system that filters out fluoride, such as a reverse osmosis water system. As you incorporate any fluoride treatment and the fluoride leaves your system, you’ll experience overall health improvements, and you’ll never look at the faucet the same way again.

Sunday 17 March 2013

How To Safely Detox Fluoride From Your Body

As many people already know the commonly used sodium fluoride is extremely toxic, and contrary to most “medical professionals” it is not good for the human body.

There is no 100% verified method of totally detoxing fluorides from your body. But there is several methods that I have used (along with many others), that can make a huge difference. 

Number one of course is to stop fluoride exposure as much as you can. Even though you may have stopped drinking it in your water, many preserved foods contain it. Second is to start using a sauna regularly. Saunas expel many heavy metals and toxins (including fluoride) from your system. Third, getting enough sunlight daily plays a large role in detoxing the pineal gland. As well as getting enough time in the dark. Sounds strange I know. But the right balance of light and darkness helps to regulate the melatonin production (the main function of the pineal gland). Fourth is getting enough exercise (which also helps regulate melatonin production). And fifth is doing a raw liver detox. The raw detox is were most people cringe and get turned away. But it is very simple and effective. All that you need to do is drink two cups of tea a day, cut back on preserved foods, and increase your intake of raw foods. Here is the tea recipe that I use.

* 1 thick slice of lemon
* 1 piece of fresh ginger, 2/3″ long, peeled and bruised
* 1 cup boiling (purified) water 

Place lemon and ginger in cup. Add boiling water and leave to infuse for two minutes. Remove lemon and ginger and drink.
How To Safely Detox Fluoride From Your Body

As many people already know the commonly used sodium fluoride is extremely toxic, and contrary to most “medical professionals” it is not good for the human body.

There is no 100% verified method of totally detoxing fluorides from your body. But there is several methods that I have used (along with many others), that can make a huge difference.

Number one of course is to stop fluoride exposure as much as you can. Even though you may have stopped drinking it in your water, many preserved foods contain it. Second is to start using a sauna regularly. Saunas expel many heavy metals and toxins (including fluoride) from your system. Third, getting enough sunlight daily plays a large role in detoxing the pineal gland. As well as getting enough time in the dark. Sounds strange I know. But the right balance of light and darkness helps to regulate the melatonin production (the main function of the pineal gland). Fourth is getting enough exercise (which also helps regulate melatonin production). And fifth is doing a raw liver detox. The raw detox is were most people cringe and get turned away. But it is very simple and effective. All that you need to do is drink two cups of tea a day, cut back on preserved foods, and increase your intake of raw foods. Here is the tea recipe that I use.

* 1 thick slice of lemon
* 1 piece of fresh ginger, 2/3″ long, peeled and bruised
* 1 cup boiling (purified) water

Place lemon and ginger in cup. Add boiling water and leave to infuse for two minutes. Remove lemon and ginger and drink.

A Simple Do It Yourself Soil Test

Perform your soil test by placing a sample into two separate cups or containers. Add vinegar to one. If it fizzes your soil is alkaline. If not, add some water to the second cup and stir. Add baking soda. If it fizzes you have acidic soil. If neither have a reaction your soil is somewhat pH balanced.

Friday 15 March 2013

Know your labels to differentiate between organic, non-organic and GMO foods and beverages. Keep in mind that any food or beverage that contains corn or corn syrup or corn fructose is toxic or acidic and GMO.

‎"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."–Hippocrates

As far back as the middle of the last century, it was recognized that the heart "overtaxed by constant emotional influences or excessive physical effort and thus deprived of its appropriate rest" suffers disorders of function and becomes vulnerable to disease (Hilton, 1863). An early editorial on the relationships between mind and heart accepted the proposition that in about half of patients, heart failure was precipitated by gross emotional upsets. Current research suggests that the progression of a number of diseases is influenced by the consequences of carrying effort beyond physiological tolerance into a condition of depletion and exhaustion that leads to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

Unspecified negative emotional arousal, often described as stress, distress or upset, has been associated with a variety of pathological conditions, including hypertension, silent myocardial ischemia, sudden cardiac death, coronary disease, cardiac arrhythmia, sleep disorders, diabetes, digestive disorders, fatigue and many other disorders. Stress and negative emotions have been shown to increase disease severity and worsen prognosis in individuals suffering from a number of different pathologies. On the other hand, positive emotions and effective emotional self-regulation skills have been shown to prolong health and significantly reduce premature mortality.

*Heart Research:

“Up until a few years ago, the suggestion that someone could ‘die of a broken heart’ would never have been taken literally,” says Dr. Guarneri. “Recently, however, we’ve learned that emotions resulting from grief really can affect the heart, and in turn, overall health.”

Stress, overwhelm and other emotional factors also have a significant effect on the heart, as Dr. Guarneri discusses in The Heart Speaks. The highly acclaimed book describes her journey from a stressed, overworked conventional cardiologist to one who learned to integrate “whole person” mind-body approaches such as stress reduction, guided imagery, yoga, meditation, exercise and proper nutrition into her own life and the lives of her patients—with amazing results.
*Continue Here:

Power of the Heart (VIDEO):
"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."–Hippocrates

As far back as the middle of the last century, it was recognized that the heart "overtaxed by constant emotional influences or excessive physical effort and thus deprived of its appropriate rest" suffers disorders of function and becomes vulnerable to disease (Hilton, 1863). An early editorial on the relationships between mind and heart accepted the proposition that in about half of patients, heart failure was precipitated by gross emotional upsets. Current research suggests that the progression of a number of diseases is influenced by the consequences of carrying effort beyond physiological tolerance into a condition of depletion and exhaustion that leads to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

 Unspecified negative emotional arousal, often described as stress, distress or upset, has been associated with a variety of pathological conditions, including hypertension, silent myocardial ischemia, sudden cardiac death, coronary disease, cardiac arrhythmia, sleep disorders, diabetes, digestive disorders, fatigue and many other disorders. Stress and negative emotions have been shown to increase disease severity and worsen prognosis in individuals suffering from a number of different pathologies. On the other hand, positive emotions and effective emotional self-regulation skills have been shown to prolong health and significantly reduce premature mortality.

*Heart Research:

“Up until a few years ago, the suggestion that someone could ‘die of a broken heart’ would never have been taken literally,” says Dr. Guarneri. “Recently, however, we’ve learned that emotions resulting from grief really can affect the heart, and in turn, overall health.”

Stress, overwhelm and other emotional factors also have a significant effect on the heart, as Dr. Guarneri discusses in The Heart Speaks. The highly acclaimed book describes her journey from a stressed, overworked conventional cardiologist to one who learned to integrate “whole person” mind-body approaches such as stress reduction, guided imagery, yoga, meditation, exercise and proper nutrition into her own life and the lives of her patients—with amazing results.
*Continue Here: 

Power of the Heart (VIDEO):

Sunday 10 March 2013

dieta yin yang\post, purificare  pentru protejare de radiatii...
ceai negru, hrisca, cereale yang

Saturday 9 March 2013

Make your own fluoride free toothpaste!

Make your own fluoride free toothpaste

Everyday it seems like more and more people are becoming aware of the health risks of exposure to fluoride not just in drinking water but in food, drink, and oral care products.  When it comes to toothpaste, there some great brands out there, but they usually charge nearly twice as much as traditional fluoride paste.  Not all hope is lost, though, you can make your own non toxic toothpaste!  Here is what you need...

File:Coconut-butter.JPGCocnut oil

File:Sodium bicarbonate CN.JPGBaking Soda

File:Stevia rebaudiana foliage.jpgStevia

File:Stearoptene residue obtained by Lemon Essential oil distillation.jpgEssential oil

Did you know that fluoride is more toxic than lead, used by the nazis to poison people, and was also used as rat poison?  It causes cancer, and compromises bone health.  Perhaps it is time to make a change.  Here are the steps to make your nontoxic toothpaste:

  • Use a 50/50 ratio of coconut oil to baking soda.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil from spearmint or peppermint for flavor.
  • Add some stevia for sweetness.
  • Keep the mix in a jar and use as needed, no need to refrigerate this mix!
Thanks for the great info
HEALTH TIP: Did you know that over 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive system? Did you know that there are more neurons in the small intestine than in the entire spinal cord? Remember, a robust immune system is your #1 defense against ALL diseases. So, if you want to stay healthy, you must keep your gastrointestinal system (i.e. your “gut”) in a healthy state. 

Optimal gastrointestinal health depends on the ratio of good and bad bacteria (85/15 is optimal). The gut of every healthy person contains about 3½ pounds of probiotics (“beneficial living bacteria”) that produce essential vitamins and hormones and help your digestive system break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as digest waste.

Most importantly they compete with undesirable micro-organisms such as yeasts, fungi, bacteria and parasites, which can result in all sorts of problems, ranging from cancer to IBS to allergies. Amazingly, there are over 400 species of microbes living in your gut which contain more bacteria than there are known stars in the sky!

A 2008 study shows that probiotics can modulate immune responses via your gut’s mucosal immune system. It was found that probiotics also have an anti-inflammatory potential, resulting in a decrease in serum CRP (a sensitive marker of inflammation) levels and a reduction in the bacteria-induced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Illness is oftentimes a result of previous antibiotics, which not only killed the “bad guys” but also killed the “good guys” and left the host susceptible to future infection, including candida overgrowth. So, in order to get healthy again, we need to add probiotics to our diets. Raw, fermented foods are brimming with health-promoting probiotics and have been staples of the human diet for thousands of years.

One such ancient food is sauerkraut, produced simply by covering cabbage with water and letting it sit for several weeks. Naturally occurring bacteria on the surface of the cabbage leaves thrive in this environment, chemically changing the cabbage and increasing its B vitamin content. Also, kefir is an excellent choice to obtain natural probiotics. A quart of kefir has far more active bacteria than you can possibly purchase in any probiotics supplement, and it is very economical as you can reuse the kefir from the original quart of milk about ten times before you need to start a new culture pack. Just one starter package of kefir granules can convert about 50 gallons of milk (use raw milk) to kefir. Fermented soy products (like natto and miso) are also good ways to obtain probiotics, but make sure that they are from ORGANIC soy, since over 90% of the soy in the USA is now GMO.

We also supplement with soil based organisms (SBO’s), which are natural probiotics from the dirt. Each day, Charlene and I take “Primal Defense” along with our other supplements. Interestingly, researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that radiation therapy patients who take probiotics prior to getting blasted can gain intestinal radioprotective benefits (“Probiotic protects intestine from radiation injury” pub 16-Nov-2011).

Saturday 2 March 2013

Several studies have shown that blueberries (and/or blueberry extract) restored brain responses to youthful speeds, improved overall appearance of skin (restoration of skin thickness, smoothness, radiance, firmness, and reduced wrinkling), improved eye cell survival (and reduced damage from light and reduced new eye blood vessel formation), and helped produce more active bone-reproducing cells and reduced post-menopausal bone loss.