Monday 2 September 2013

The Juicy behind Juicing & Smoothies

Juices vs Smoothies
Juicing and smoothies are all the rage these days. It is claimed by many that they can help with a variety of health problems and increased well-being.  I know personally for me this is absolutely true!  When I went on a one months juicing rampage, boy did I feel a million bucks!  There’s so much debate out there as to whether juicing or smoothies are the way to go, so I took it upon myself to do a little research…..Personally for me, I love my juicer and my seven juices a day and will fight anyone to the floor who tries to take my juicer away – but both juices and smoothies have great health benefits – Lets take a look at the ‘Juicy behind juicing and smoothies’.   
  • Nutritional Value:Raw juices are full of phytonutrients – vitamins, minerals, enzymes and water.  Because juicing removes the insoluble fibre it is said that this concentrated glass of nutrition is able to enter straight into the cell very fast as it bypasses the digestion.  It’s the insoluble fibre that prevents the sugars and nutrition from being absorbed quite so quickly.  This super shot of pure nutrition supports the immune system, is thought to help prevent cancers and help with degenerative disease.
  • May aid with Depression:There are many vitamins and minerals that support the nervous system and help to induce well-being and calm – some of these being, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and potassium.  There is reason to believe that due to these nutrients being in such potent form that it helps the fight against depression and anxiety.
  • Faster Absorption: As stated above, the reason for this is that the insoluble fibre is missing from the juice.  Because of this the juice can move straight through the cell wall and into the cell, infusing it with all the goodness it needs.
  • Liver Cleansing & Detox: Juicing is great at this because since it’s missing it’s fibre and enters through the cell wall, not only does it supply the cells in the liver with high potent phytonutrients, but also pulls the toxins straight out of the cell.
  • Variety: You can mix as many varieties of fruits and vegetables in one juice as you please!  Yum!  Getting all this nutrition in with food or sometimes even with a large smoothy can be more difficult because the fibre fills you up to the brim!
  • Weight Loss: It is claimed that one of the reasons is down to the detoxifying and cleansing effect on the liver.  Some sources say that the liver has over 500 functions in our body and a sluggish liver that is struggling to process and function will prevent you from losing any weight.
  • Increased Life-Force: It’s believed my many pro-juicers that you are consuming the life-force of the plants and fruits which is responsible for giving increased energy.  Plants are full of energy and live enzymes.  Unfortunately, enzymes are extremely fragile and killed very easily through temperature.  It only takes 105oF for enzymes to be killed so the friction caused by many blenders can destroy them before you get a chance to drink them.
  • Longevity: Some say that  due to the increased concentration of free-radical fighting phytonutrients and increased consumption of enzymes, juicing has a role in anti-ageing.
  • Healing: Since juicing takes the focus and energy off digestion, the body can concentrate on toxin removal and healing. 
  • Stabilises Blood Sugar: With smoothies, they DO contain both the insoluble and soluble fibre.  Therefore, the absorption rate will be a lot steadier and slower as it has to pass through digestion.  This can have a gentler impact on people who suffer from Hypoglycemia. 
  • Satisfying:  Smoothies can have a more satisfying and comforting feeling.  They make you feel fuller for longer because the fibre takes a lot longer to be digested.
  • Regularity: Again, the good old fibre in the smoothies help as ‘bulk’ to keep regularity.
  • Complete MealSmoothies are considered a ‘complete meal’ since they contain all the components needed.  You can always add anything else you like to smoothies - super-foods, algae’s or protein powders for example.
  • Reasonable Cost: Compared to juicing, smoothies are more cost effective.  Smoothies use up far less ingredients ‘per glass’ than does juicing.
  • Nutritious: Smoothies are still using fruits and vegetables which are very high in nutrition, they may not be quite as ‘potent’ as juices, but still very high to have many health benefits.
Finally, I am going to leave you with a yummy little recipe that is known to have ingredients (nutrition) that help support depression.  It comes from one of my favourite books called “Raw Juices Can Save Your Life” by Sandra Cabot M.D. – Enjoy, and let me know what your favourite smoothies/juices are and why…..
Until next time…..Be healthy, be well, be happy……
Juice for DepressionJUICE  FOR  DEPRESSION
2 Large Spinach Leaves
2 Stalks Celery
2-3 Romaine Lettuce Leaves
1 Medium Beetroot & Tops
1 Cup Grapes or 1 Medium Carrot
1 Tomato
Dash of Tabasco (optional)

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